Activity: Field Recording - Sampling nature
This is an opportunity for participants to apply basic sound ‘field’ recording skills to the natural environment. It can take a number of formats, but splitting into small groups works well. Each group has a basic set of recording kit consisting of:
a portable sound recorder
a windjammer (to stop the wind spoiling the recordings)
[non essential] external microphone
Each group will pair with a member of staff and track through a set part of the woodland keeping quiet and on alert for natural sounds to record and opportunities to create sound. It can help to have a list of the type of sounds to collect (e.g. drums, bassy, scratchy, tuneful… etc) as this can tie into the music being worked on / being planned at least to get things going.
The duration of this activity can vary depending on the seasons and recoding aims so it is worth experimenting and doing some research into wildlife activity throughout the year. As the weeks progress, different recording methods and equipment can be used to broaden the skills of the group.
It is good to regroup back at camp to listen back to footage and share experiences, techniques and successes. This feedback can also be recorded and used as future podcasts or evaluations if you plan well to fit this into the session. We have used feedback discussions in tracks to great effect!